Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year...A New Beginning

In Anne of Green Gables, Anne always said,
"Tomorrow is fresh with no mistakes in it." 

(L.M. Montgomery)

When we look to the New Year, we can see a new beginning and a chance to be the person we've always hoped to be.  I encourage you to not pull out one of the most used New Year's resolutions or goals like lose weight, but really think about what you would like to do different in the coming year.

I personally don't choose a New Year's resolution, but I do evaluate my life and see the areas that need improvement and pray asking God to help me make choices in the coming year that will improve these areas and give me a better life honoring to Him.  

We have a grand opportunity to be a new person in the coming year.  God is always there to guide His children in their decisions.  "Tomorrow is fresh with no mistakes in it."  We can celebrate the New Year looking forward to a newness in our lives which can make us a better child, wife, mom, sister and person.  The choice is up to us!

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