Tuesday, February 15, 2011

God Didn't Send a Card, He Sent a Cross!

While thinking of Valentines Day this past week and 
wondering what saying we could put on our Church sign 
to motivate others during the week, 
my 12 yr. old Son said well, you could say,

"God didn't send a card...He sent a cross!"

 My husband and I just looked at each other and said, "Yes", that's exactly what we 
will put on there.  When we think of how we tell others we love them, may we 
be reminded just like I was this week, that God didn't send us a little greeting 
and leave us alone in our wrong/sin.

He loved us so much that He sent us ALL...His Son.  
Jesus came, lived a perfect life and became the payment for all our wrong/sin 
and died on the cross, so we could ask God for forgiveness and 
accept the gift of salvation through Jesus' death.  

It's a beautiful picture of love that will never be replaced with all the cards, flowers, 
chocolate and gifts we give on Valentines Day or any other holiday.  

It's Priceless!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, 
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, 
but have everlasting life."  John 3:16


  1. That is so beautiful and so true. The cross was better than a card could have ever been.

  2. Selina, Well said and what a wonderful love it is! Blessings!

  3. Very beautiful, Selina. Thank you for sharing this.

    With faith,
