Saturday, May 12, 2012

I'm a Princess

Many of us don't see ourselves
like others see us or more importantly
the way God sees us.

It can be difficult with the many hats
we wear and how difficult life can be
to see our true worth and instead
we see the constant To Do List 
and how we can't get caught up.

We fall into the trap of basing our 
self worth on our performance with
the many hats we wear!

I love the Bible study called
Search for Significance by Robert McGee.
Here is a special poem to give
encouragement from the study.

My Identity in Christ

Because of Christ's redemption,
I am a new creation of infinite worth.

I am deeply loved,
I am completely forgiven,
I am fully pleasing,
I am totally accepted by God.
I am absolutely complete in Christ.

When my performance
reflects my new identity in Christ,
that reflection is dynamically unique.

There has never been another person like me
in the history of mankind,
nor will there ever be.
God has made me an original,
one of a kind, really somebody!
 By:  Robert McGee

So, that makes me a daughter of the King...
I always wanted to be a Princess!

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